Tuesday, November 22, 2011


What would you do if you was taken into custody but you was the definition of innocent, when one was in need of a hand you was there lending it/ blending in with the crowd but you was comparable to none, taken in front of the court accused of multiple charges a deep breath there it begun/ verbally abusing you even spit in your face but still you don't budge, though you was on a higher calling you never judged/ you lived by your word loving your enemy just as your friend if you was disrespected the other cheek you'd turn your foes you would bless them again, congested to win in the process you'd give up your own life confessed to sin/ they beaten you brutally for hours -cursed by hundreds of the same people you used to take care of -now your the hunted but your not surprised this was your purpose the way its done in, summoned by your father to sacrifice yourself mad blood was shed- for years they heard you was coming/ no one wanted to sentence you conscience was guilty they had you for false claiming - the miracles you preformed shall I even start naming, the verdict of death is given -crowd cheering inside you hurting asking your father for strength thru all the beatings-assaults you never got weak thinking about it now my hearts tainted/

The hours passing its getting progressively worse the cursing violent acts tying you down beating you out your flesh bloods pouring your screams is louder evil and sins devoured by your love- the beatings keep going pain keeps growing they throwing a cross on your back the same one they just got done terrorizing, the brutality livens trying to keep fighting thru it already visualizing a massacre but you not even close to dying/ they put you on a cross nails in your hands and feet -your mother crying witnessing her son slipping away you asking the Lord to forgive them- they continue to beat you but you holding on never hand in defeat/ they crown you with thorns face torn apart mocking your name- inside you know you dying for them but most of them will be locked in a cage called hell eternally burning not concerned with consequences from actions -slowly you going knowing your time has come you praying asking the Lord to take you in- your souls been sacrificed to replace the sin/ Its over -your heart stops cries pour out -sky gets darker the temple cracks into was he really telling the truth they asking you/

3 days later you rose from the dead wounds still present your friends see you in shock not believing there eyes truly a blessing confessing your fathers plans 33 years you served it purpose to die for us all, put yourself in the same situation would you answer that call/ If you had the power to exit with just a touch of the hand and still save the world without feeling the torture would you bounce or take it like he did, passions of the Christ was descriptive but trust me it was worse then that you better believe it/ the hardest man to ever walk the face of the earth he died by the worse death known to man, he knew all along how it was going to unfold but still let the story be told showing his plan/ suffering for me and you its true-that defines a hero in my book never shook he was a G but did it with grace, now tell me this what would you have did if you was in his place/

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