Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I see the American Flag placing my hand over my chest where my heart beat resides, there's peace inside but an empty pain thinking to those who died for freedom even thru proudness these clouds are dark a feeling you just cant explain- closing my eyes I breath and write/ emotions are high I can never look at a plane normal again thinking to 9/11 the passengers lost on all 4 planes- wondering there thoughts, feelings I'm ill thinking about the crash the impact fire blazing I'm praying God give me the strength I'm seeing these images repetitively, its not easy to free the day I constantly close- I rose to salute the dead- those who gave there life rescuing others- the 343 NYFD never made it back home that day family all alone a zone you cant comprehend unless your in it- America's sending prayers and condolences but 9 years later its like they forgot or is it your afraid to revisit that moment - to me it seems like yesterday doesn't it I believe it to free/ myself when I write- too much in my brain I slain it but saying it with the pen- I will cry the stories touch my soul I stroll on as time passes on another calender completes looking at the others curious do they remember that day in September I'm wishing to ask them, the Man upstairs gives me strength to keep going keep growing but that day will always be close to my chest holding there death in my memory- within me I'm inspired by the brighter stories of heroism and bravery- those who saved others and chose courage over fear I swear this will be with me until the day My times done- I rhyme one with them in mind encouraging me to better myself make a name for my future inspired by there actions/ United 93 passengers, NYPD, NYFD, even everyday civilians who risked there life to help others damn its so touching to read, I'm humbled to speak on these stories never wanting there memory to flame out so I'll forever keep it alive its so touching to me/ I'm strong but certain times I break down- knowing its healthy to cry cant bottle it up forever so I let it loose another step to move closer to Gods calling for me these stories of heroism and bravery its just a start, with tears in my eyes proudness in my soul I salute the flag remembering September 11th my other hands over my heart the memory in my mind shall never  depart/

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