Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yo I grew up infatuated with sports only son of my moms hard headed stubborn competive young dude never lose was what I always repeated, peep it I was shy when it came to the women they never paid me no mind no time given bein a mack was only in my dreams and visions never thought I get no play or hollers it seemed if/ I couldnt get no worse my teenage years I was wildin probation bein in court seemed an every month occurance endurance just to beat it -mentally I was deflated til I got tired of playin the deliquent role at 17 told myself ''yo this aint the route to go, took on a more positive mode so changes I was about to show bound to hold myself accountable no more trouble no more nights cryin ashamed of my actions time to man up cant act a clown no more/ graduated high school enrolled in community college focused barely- rarely passed math courses forcin me out the door- 3 years academically suspended, the first year Im buggin like ''what do i do now'' workin odd and end jobs savin any dough I could- the ends just wasnt movin frustration risin stressin liven no stridin payin bills barely gettin by/ still in the game but never winnin this I cant condemn it/ moms tellin me take it back to school but Im feelin like Kanye -college dropout-school just not the route poppin for me, so lost not knowin what to do so I turned to God askin for Guidance awaitin open doors Lord show the options for me/ my head wasnt where it shoulda been too into women /my team anything else under the sun so God took me out the city I love told me go to Virginia and strengthen your faith in me if you wanna get back to Atlanta, I stand in 5 months later a better man in the midst of transformation Im waitin til graduation my faith is stronger then its ever been prayin til the day I wake up callin the A home again with loot able to provide for myself independant seein a true man standin reflecting back in the mirror I've expanded the/ relationship the faith the word Im doin Gods will trustin in him thru all the happenings ,frustration, broke days, bein down, its all a thing of the past Gods driving my life now so success got my name chasin it maken it BIG I know I'll come to see smilin knowin Gods got me right where he wants me -but word- trust me when I say Atlanta I'll be back again/ a better dude, strong spirit, positive vibe ,a change you'll feel just in my prescence you see it, God tellin me trust him with this one its gone all work out fine so I sit back watchin him workin on me -patient- but yo most of all I believing/

1 comment:

  1. I love the freestyle...creative ambitions..cool beings!
