Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I get to work just before 7 already anxious wonderin what jokes my brothers have to tell today- we clown over breakfast enjoyin eachother as a family we are, close knit  we're chillin a little before nine we get a call alertin  us to get to the trade center a planes just hit the building off we go I call my fam tell them whats happened they tell me to be safe and call them soon/ Im wondering what the hells goin on as we drive into manhattan Im seein the chaos around cant belive what Im witnessing damn  Im taken in awe/bodies on the ground missin parts debris everywhere streets is filled with disbelief theres a sense in my stomach  this shit going to be the roughest day Ive ever worked,concerned look on my buddies faces-not sure what to do- we get the orders to head upstairs searchin for those in need of help but in my mind  negative thoughts continue to churn/ maken our way up the stairs its hot  not knowin what to expect- people maken there way down bloody, cryin, a look of shock-I offer encouraging words and keep pushin on tryin to stay focused on the job Im headin into, all the way through Im prayin Lord keep me safe help me save lives and be of assistance- Im sweatin Im hot Im wonderin how far we got to go all the while thinkin to myself is this shit for real so much thoughts to consume/

A loud explosion outside catches everyones attention man what the  FUCK is goin on I hear screaming the buildings shaking no one knows what happened I try and  stay under control but inside Im worried, we climbin  80 some stories carryin 60 pounds on my back taken breaks to catch our breath the more time passes by the more concern grows not knowin whats goin on around us- Im fightin battles mentally within- physically Im tired ready  to get to the location we need to cant help but notice the buildin swayin back and forth Im racin through 1,000 thoughts in my mind thinkin damn we got to keep goin- the fear inside is growin tryin to bury it/ BAM!! a loud explosion happens rockin our buildin WHOA WHAT WAS THAT?? whatever it was couldnt have been good- mayday abort the mission- we  no longer tryin to save others we tryin save ourselfs-goin back down the way we came- shit Im scared now thinkin about gettin out Lord help me leave this place in one piece, no peace of mind Im buggin focused on step after step gettin out alive back to my family there faces is all Im seein/ preachin to my buddies yo we got to get out of here keep movin lets pick up the pace we gotta exit this bitch, just then a loud rumblin happens I feel the floors collapsing above OH SHIT Im not gonna make it out- prayers to my family I see them in my vision/

 The tower collapses taken me out with it- Lord why this have to happen why couldnt I find a way out to exit- as the floors crashin down on me my thoughts run rapid hopin my fam wont miss me too much I'll be in a better place restin, confessin my love for them as I see my life end but I know its all Gods plan so I trust in him  given my blessings/ lookin down from heaven seein my family wishin I could whipe there tears away, I pray Lord heal there hearts moving on wont be easy but let them know I loved them and they were on my mind the final seconds of my life- I'll always watch over them as I lay/ down my life September 11th 2001 was Gods time callin me home/ my fam may never understand it but the Lords will was done, I smile  in heaven proud of myself but feel a hurt in my heart lookin down below seein funerals my fam and friends cryin mournin me and 342 others but we hear you loud and proud when you say " all gave some some gave all" Im watchin this from heaven my buddy puts his arm around me and whispers " in the face of adversity to help others into the tower we run/ UP THE STAIRS.. INTO THE FIRE


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