Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Lately the devil been temptin me- sour news tryin to destort my views on God but my faith is major- presenting dissappointments but I pray when I'm down, tomorrows a new day new oppurtunites I do sense frustrations but the Lord tell me to chill he'll handle it  so in him my faith is pronounced/ multiple situations got my mind goin heywire- personal issues within me- money, stability, my future- just naming a few I choose to put it all on God believing he will provide, I strive to live more how he wants me to live cutting out the things thats not pleasing to him at times I fall back into bad habits but work hard to cut them off knowing lifes a ride/ good and bad highs and lows it'll all even out if you believe - Lord help me to see the man you made me to be not the man Iam- I feel Im not doing enough it is a guilty conscience or expecting too much from myself, Im not perfect I committ sins on the daily but Im prayin Lord change me- I wanna be a beautiful person have a beautiful soul as I stroll  through life influencing others in a positive way no matter what cards is dealt/ I know God expects alot from me I wanna deliever for him scorchin the evils tryin to destroy me but my hearts growin closer with Christ, knowin in time my purpose will be shown my life will  have direction walkin the right steps now because tomorrows not promised heaven can call me at anytime I feel big things comin my way Lord with you Im ready to rise/

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