Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Current mood: peaceful
Category: Romance and Relationships

They tell me there's no love in my heart they couldn't be further from the truth my hearts in tune with my mind but mentally its empty- simply put I've never connected with another soul where we became one together, something's are better taken with time I know I'm moving at a tortoise pace but I'm sure my faith will land me where I want to be- in the end with a Queen who completes me keeping my ass in check if need me I see these visions but the moments far from imminent these women been given me trouble since age 15 so my hearts closed up still I post up awaiting the pass hesitating- damn! I stand by for the one I run forever/ with- thru sick days and misplays the kid stays rite beside you and guides you to fight thru times where shit get heated- needing space to cool it off -its no sweat cus she'll come right back to me understanding its all part of relationships growing pains, though strained I'm realizing she's sincere really loving me willing to do anything to please me its easy looking into her eyes seeing the loyalty spoiling me flipside I got her too- admit she has me doing shit I never did before spitting words I never said before - treating her like a Queen she's showing me/ knowing these broads before her painted an ugly picture so the taste left was sickening- I'm listening when she schools me on the tools to becoming a man- truthfully I'm not that experienced never wanted a relationship before so this is all new to me, using the maturity from growing up I'm showing her I care I still at times make poor decisions- pissing her off but yo her being mad kind of turns me on-together we learning strong -thru time spent seeing she's true to me/ beautifully mental and physical shorty is everything I want in a woman- even attends Braves games with me kissing me after we win- Damn I got my team and my girl cant get much better then this I spend hours up late night working on communication so the trust is high we touch the sky blessing God for placing us into each others life I strive to grow as a man continuing to work on becoming closer to my- Queen, life seems at peace complete when we holding each other- she's strengthening me I'm molding her showing her I can love too but this takes awhile- caught up in the moment waiting for her but yo no stress I'm confident she'll come until then I'm praying for her night-ly

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