Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Ever Since I remember my moms always had me in church- Sunday school or service I was there every week, this is my spiritual story so kick back listen and let me speak/ My moms and pops are deep when it comes to God the most spiritual individuals you'll ever run into, you need advice, a prayer, a kind word, helping hand encouragement they'd lend you/ every Sunday we'd be up in church- my 2 sisters, parents and I- I was too young to understand much but I heard numerous stories Jesus and God, the one who gave us life created the world the one you prayed to when times was hard/ my moms would always school me on events from the bible I wouldn't listen much my mind was idle, I tried to play it off back then going to church wasn't cool in school I'd never mention the subject in fear of losing points with the peers, I know it hurts to write that but this joint is real/ the older I got the more I learned about God and the son he sent us, beginner I gave my life up for God at age eight admitting he died for me washing away my sins thru forgiveness/ my parents was proud I was eager to learn more about being a Christian so when the preacher would speak I'd listen, witnessing the joy my parents had with God in there life I couldn't wait to see heaven for that I could only envision/

Time passed by teenage years hit me realizing me and the church was growing apart, I never told my friends about God embarrassed to say church was my home, at home my moms got on my nerves always referring to the Lord the more she talked about him the further my mind was gone/ no interest in it a teenager more concerned with hooping or which girl I was scooping, losing my faith values -getting in trouble daily everything I learned in church I was constantly abusing/ the truth is I let the devil in and he put me thru hell, thru jail and probation fights with the Fam I lost motivation to live-my freedom was taken trouble followed me like a shadow, I had to break my parents heart four or five times fighting always losing my battles/ I sat thru three years of heartache troubles all caused by myself had no one to blame nor nowhere to turn so I brought prayer back in my life, I was the lowest of lows crying each night looking for strength praying for escape with faith in the Lord I knew it would happen in time/ age seventeen I finally beat the devil at his game I slain him for the hurt and pain he inflicted, wishing I could forgive myself eight years later that part of my heart I still visit/

I'm no angel I wont always make the wisest decisions but I know when I sin I can pray for him to forgive them- at 24 I'm older a growing maturity seeing I cant maintain without the Lord guiding me, I try to be a leader by example you never know who you can influence so I do my best to be shinning big/ no longer hiding my feelings you know 24/7 I'm rolling with God getting crunk for Christ, I know he'll always look after me pulling me thru the bumps in life/ I'll say it to one say it to all GOD IS GREAT with him you cant lose worries is minimal- criminals, killers, rapist, dope fiends he loves the worst of us, he sent his only son to die for our sins his loves the cure for us/ I'm ashamed I denied him at my earlier age but since then I've witnessed his love and compassion, he's always hearing my prayers wiping my tears away its clear today in my heart he's here to stay so thankful for that I trust his actions/ at times I don't understand why events occur but I pray for guidance learning life as its given, admitting I'm nothing without him my life's right when he's in control God is love this is my relationship with God written thru personal experiences in the flesh I'm submitted/
sincerely JORDAN....

1 comment:

  1. I always wished my parents were into the church... Im glad you realized what a blessing it is to have parents like that.. ones who can pray with you and give you Godly advice... :)
