Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Current mood: creative
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Yo I don’t smoke when I’m stressed I bow my head say a prayer and hope for the best I lead with the pen speaking again thru turbulent times I’m holding my breath, knowing the test of life calls you trials and all- hard moments piercing your toughness ya mind questions your heart but thru it all I been chosen for this/ my faiths live spreading like a disease but this not a killer this is eternal life seeking- preaching thru poems- peep it its known yes I been told it best, shown in the flesh my parents installed values-my morals my backbone thanking God for my family- the teachings the lessons absorbed I see now there plan for there child- a Godly soul pure example I was raised in the church- see I went down the wrong road slowly getting back to holy ground so you scoping my steps/ Yo I’m not perfect but maturing is seen I been cured from the scene leaving temptation behind God leads me to light -man nothing is promised I could leave here tonight, not be here in sight but thru poems I'd be here aite- my life painted like pictures the price is priceless Christ says keep doing my thing- this is the talent implanted in me achieved here so nice/ I’m blessed everyone have something within them a God given gift- mine is with words- motivation used to give you a lift when down when times get the best of you, the stress to prove you belong I been there before so I confess to you, no less I’m due- my time is soon here- I’m waiting on deck ready to roll they calling my name- so chill quiet down I’m getting focused my dreams & goals I’m pressed to pursue/


Current mood: focused
Category: Romance and Relationships

Yo everyone wanna ask me why Im single still on the market what kinda women Im into or what am I lookin for, its all I ever hear so me let clear this- Im focused on myself growing as a man finding the person Im supposed to be increasing financially a bread winner maybe when I get in that posotion I'll be a new dater for now a relationship not what Im pushin for/ knowin it takes time and a place for that to happen so daily Im prayin for God to lead me to the man a woman would love to marry and be with me forever, never settle for mediocore I gotta be confident within myself knowin Im well off in a situation to proceed with love- given a woman effort time and affection just cant get down like that now at this point its nothin to play with- Im only bein clever/ Im playin the field seein what these women have to offer and where there heads at /never will I turn down a friend I'll lend a listenin ear and be an encourager but commitment just wont happen -Im lackin need to work harder to be the man I know I can be, I hand these poems written straight from my heart so you know where I stand/ my growth as a man will determine when I welcome a woman into my life and can reach my hand out on that serious level /I know the process with me is grueling stressful frustrating too but may the best woman win it'll be intresting to say the least seein whose the last one standing champion as my queen in the end/



Ever Since I remember my moms always had me in church- Sunday school or service I was there every week, this is my spiritual story so kick back listen and let me speak/ My moms and pops are deep when it comes to God the most spiritual individuals you'll ever run into, you need advice, a prayer, a kind word, helping hand encouragement they'd lend you/ every Sunday we'd be up in church- my 2 sisters, parents and I- I was too young to understand much but I heard numerous stories Jesus and God, the one who gave us life created the world the one you prayed to when times was hard/ my moms would always school me on events from the bible I wouldn't listen much my mind was idle, I tried to play it off back then going to church wasn't cool in school I'd never mention the subject in fear of losing points with the peers, I know it hurts to write that but this joint is real/ the older I got the more I learned about God and the son he sent us, beginner I gave my life up for God at age eight admitting he died for me washing away my sins thru forgiveness/ my parents was proud I was eager to learn more about being a Christian so when the preacher would speak I'd listen, witnessing the joy my parents had with God in there life I couldn't wait to see heaven for that I could only envision/

Time passed by teenage years hit me realizing me and the church was growing apart, I never told my friends about God embarrassed to say church was my home, at home my moms got on my nerves always referring to the Lord the more she talked about him the further my mind was gone/ no interest in it a teenager more concerned with hooping or which girl I was scooping, losing my faith values -getting in trouble daily everything I learned in church I was constantly abusing/ the truth is I let the devil in and he put me thru hell, thru jail and probation fights with the Fam I lost motivation to live-my freedom was taken trouble followed me like a shadow, I had to break my parents heart four or five times fighting always losing my battles/ I sat thru three years of heartache troubles all caused by myself had no one to blame nor nowhere to turn so I brought prayer back in my life, I was the lowest of lows crying each night looking for strength praying for escape with faith in the Lord I knew it would happen in time/ age seventeen I finally beat the devil at his game I slain him for the hurt and pain he inflicted, wishing I could forgive myself eight years later that part of my heart I still visit/

I'm no angel I wont always make the wisest decisions but I know when I sin I can pray for him to forgive them- at 24 I'm older a growing maturity seeing I cant maintain without the Lord guiding me, I try to be a leader by example you never know who you can influence so I do my best to be shinning big/ no longer hiding my feelings you know 24/7 I'm rolling with God getting crunk for Christ, I know he'll always look after me pulling me thru the bumps in life/ I'll say it to one say it to all GOD IS GREAT with him you cant lose worries is minimal- criminals, killers, rapist, dope fiends he loves the worst of us, he sent his only son to die for our sins his loves the cure for us/ I'm ashamed I denied him at my earlier age but since then I've witnessed his love and compassion, he's always hearing my prayers wiping my tears away its clear today in my heart he's here to stay so thankful for that I trust his actions/ at times I don't understand why events occur but I pray for guidance learning life as its given, admitting I'm nothing without him my life's right when he's in control God is love this is my relationship with God written thru personal experiences in the flesh I'm submitted/
sincerely JORDAN....


Check this I first met you in 1990 the first impression I wasn’t impressed no less I still gave you the chance to persuade change my mind, 2 years later spendin more time with you enjoying your company seein my interest increase brought a change in time/ 1995 was so special for us a year we came out on top finally sitting with the throne wearing the rings and all, the scene on pause everyone on your tip the whole city behind you damn I was proud- though the next year in 96 they seen us fall/ but still I stood beside you -you bringing me joy at times pissin me off but you know every year that pass by I’m stickin around, the sound of me opening up like this a new aspect of me but you know forever we holding each other down/

As time passed my feelings for you grew every year you seemed to let me down around October I'd tell you I was done with you never to come back a true teaser you was but every April I'd be right back with new hopes arms wide open thinkin don’t disappoint me please, I see the smile I have whenever I’m around you though you piss me off same time you bring me joy we growing closer each year that pass by I’m realizing my interest in you increased/ I remember the moment I realized I loved you September 23 2004 seated in your house when it hit me- I promised I'd always give you my all be there thru thick and thin, when shit was goin on wrong in everyday life you were there to take my mind off the bull given me something to ease the stress /when your outta town yo for real I’m missing ya/ 04 you let me down damn truthfully even shed a tear when we ended didn’t wanna let you go so many good memories together we created, 05 came about forgiven you for letting me down its all love now but shit October came and you broke my heart again-fuck you for this feeling I was devastated/

IT hasn’t been the same since 06 but you know my love for you is only growing I’m in love with you and not ashamed to say it, I face it your named tatted on me so we together forever- thru all the disappointments the tears of losing the joys of winning my heart always got you near it- the memories we shared in my mind they always replay it/ whenever I’m around you I’m like a kid in the candy store I cant get enough yo hand me more /so thankful for all you given me the connection we have I don’t expect anyone to understand it but that’s what makes it one of a kind, madd time and money I spend on you goin thru the emotions the good the bad the ugly the great I’m addicted I cant get enough of you -your never far from my thoughts I pray for your success it stays on my mind/ my favorite line is when you win I go home happy so thankful for you there’s nothing better then the feeling you bring me forever in my heart that’s where your gonna stay man, I just wanted you to know I love you we'll be together forever sincerely yours the number one BRAVES FAN/



Yo I grew up infatuated with sports only son of my moms hard headed stubborn competive young dude never lose was what I always repeated, peep it I was shy when it came to the women they never paid me no mind no time given bein a mack was only in my dreams and visions never thought I get no play or hollers it seemed if/ I couldnt get no worse my teenage years I was wildin probation bein in court seemed an every month occurance endurance just to beat it -mentally I was deflated til I got tired of playin the deliquent role at 17 told myself ''yo this aint the route to go, took on a more positive mode so changes I was about to show bound to hold myself accountable no more trouble no more nights cryin ashamed of my actions time to man up cant act a clown no more/ graduated high school enrolled in community college focused barely- rarely passed math courses forcin me out the door- 3 years academically suspended, the first year Im buggin like ''what do i do now'' workin odd and end jobs savin any dough I could- the ends just wasnt movin frustration risin stressin liven no stridin payin bills barely gettin by/ still in the game but never winnin this I cant condemn it/ moms tellin me take it back to school but Im feelin like Kanye -college dropout-school just not the route poppin for me, so lost not knowin what to do so I turned to God askin for Guidance awaitin open doors Lord show the options for me/ my head wasnt where it shoulda been too into women /my team anything else under the sun so God took me out the city I love told me go to Virginia and strengthen your faith in me if you wanna get back to Atlanta, I stand in 5 months later a better man in the midst of transformation Im waitin til graduation my faith is stronger then its ever been prayin til the day I wake up callin the A home again with loot able to provide for myself independant seein a true man standin reflecting back in the mirror I've expanded the/ relationship the faith the word Im doin Gods will trustin in him thru all the happenings ,frustration, broke days, bein down, its all a thing of the past Gods driving my life now so success got my name chasin it maken it BIG I know I'll come to see smilin knowin Gods got me right where he wants me -but word- trust me when I say Atlanta I'll be back again/ a better dude, strong spirit, positive vibe ,a change you'll feel just in my prescence you see it, God tellin me trust him with this one its gone all work out fine so I sit back watchin him workin on me -patient- but yo most of all I believing/


Current mood: peaceful
Category: Romance and Relationships

They tell me there's no love in my heart they couldn't be further from the truth my hearts in tune with my mind but mentally its empty- simply put I've never connected with another soul where we became one together, something's are better taken with time I know I'm moving at a tortoise pace but I'm sure my faith will land me where I want to be- in the end with a Queen who completes me keeping my ass in check if need me I see these visions but the moments far from imminent these women been given me trouble since age 15 so my hearts closed up still I post up awaiting the pass hesitating- damn! I stand by for the one I run forever/ with- thru sick days and misplays the kid stays rite beside you and guides you to fight thru times where shit get heated- needing space to cool it off -its no sweat cus she'll come right back to me understanding its all part of relationships growing pains, though strained I'm realizing she's sincere really loving me willing to do anything to please me its easy looking into her eyes seeing the loyalty spoiling me flipside I got her too- admit she has me doing shit I never did before spitting words I never said before - treating her like a Queen she's showing me/ knowing these broads before her painted an ugly picture so the taste left was sickening- I'm listening when she schools me on the tools to becoming a man- truthfully I'm not that experienced never wanted a relationship before so this is all new to me, using the maturity from growing up I'm showing her I care I still at times make poor decisions- pissing her off but yo her being mad kind of turns me on-together we learning strong -thru time spent seeing she's true to me/ beautifully mental and physical shorty is everything I want in a woman- even attends Braves games with me kissing me after we win- Damn I got my team and my girl cant get much better then this I spend hours up late night working on communication so the trust is high we touch the sky blessing God for placing us into each others life I strive to grow as a man continuing to work on becoming closer to my- Queen, life seems at peace complete when we holding each other- she's strengthening me I'm molding her showing her I can love too but this takes awhile- caught up in the moment waiting for her but yo no stress I'm confident she'll come until then I'm praying for her night-ly


Right now my mood vibing good no negativity my thoughts peaceful the Lords blessings got me grinning ear to ear, I feel his will big in my life opening doors working on attitude changes I'm gaining strength shedding the old me the new me has so much positiveness I care to share/ only speakin from situations I faced the grace of Gods turning me into a man beginning to see his work in me insertin me morals which to go by a conscience that don't let me falter- humble but stern not concerned with others knowing I only control my own fate, my faiths rate rising- changing much in VA- I'm focused more -being the person I sold myself short in Atlanta- taken a step back 480 miles away damn its changing me plain to see he placed this clean slate before me so I'm gone pray it/ up big the only way to stay sane -homesick but living better maken a little cheddar mostly here for the personal change versatile mane- big city small town adapting slowly but still missin the A thank God he been keepin me straight day in day out I'm maken progress, faith growing I'm closer to him- we talking more believing too its genuine I trust in him witnessing to those around just planting a seed -sprouting at least in my life hoping to influence others too- absorbing what I see and Read new hunger for knowledge prayin awaitin gaining strength and confidence in the mean time until I define lifes calling/


What would you do if you was taken into custody but you was the definition of innocent, when one was in need of a hand you was there lending it/ blending in with the crowd but you was comparable to none, taken in front of the court accused of multiple charges a deep breath there it begun/ verbally abusing you even spit in your face but still you don't budge, though you was on a higher calling you never judged/ you lived by your word loving your enemy just as your friend if you was disrespected the other cheek you'd turn your foes you would bless them again, congested to win in the process you'd give up your own life confessed to sin/ they beaten you brutally for hours -cursed by hundreds of the same people you used to take care of -now your the hunted but your not surprised this was your purpose the way its done in, summoned by your father to sacrifice yourself mad blood was shed- for years they heard you was coming/ no one wanted to sentence you conscience was guilty they had you for false claiming - the miracles you preformed shall I even start naming, the verdict of death is given -crowd cheering inside you hurting asking your father for strength thru all the beatings-assaults you never got weak thinking about it now my hearts tainted/

The hours passing its getting progressively worse the cursing violent acts tying you down beating you out your flesh bloods pouring your screams is louder evil and sins devoured by your love- the beatings keep going pain keeps growing they throwing a cross on your back the same one they just got done terrorizing, the brutality livens trying to keep fighting thru it already visualizing a massacre but you not even close to dying/ they put you on a cross nails in your hands and feet -your mother crying witnessing her son slipping away you asking the Lord to forgive them- they continue to beat you but you holding on never hand in defeat/ they crown you with thorns face torn apart mocking your name- inside you know you dying for them but most of them will be locked in a cage called hell eternally burning not concerned with consequences from actions -slowly you going knowing your time has come you praying asking the Lord to take you in- your souls been sacrificed to replace the sin/ Its over -your heart stops cries pour out -sky gets darker the temple cracks into was he really telling the truth they asking you/

3 days later you rose from the dead wounds still present your friends see you in shock not believing there eyes truly a blessing confessing your fathers plans 33 years you served it purpose to die for us all, put yourself in the same situation would you answer that call/ If you had the power to exit with just a touch of the hand and still save the world without feeling the torture would you bounce or take it like he did, passions of the Christ was descriptive but trust me it was worse then that you better believe it/ the hardest man to ever walk the face of the earth he died by the worse death known to man, he knew all along how it was going to unfold but still let the story be told showing his plan/ suffering for me and you its true-that defines a hero in my book never shook he was a G but did it with grace, now tell me this what would you have did if you was in his place/


When I was younger i didn't think it was cool to Go to church, I was kinda embarrassed to say i went to church but as I Get older and realize what it means to have a relationship with God i realize how cool it is. I'm not embarrassed at all to talk about God. In fact I talk about him all the time. I'm so proud of the sacrifice Jesus made giving his life for my sins- for my wrong doings... its a beautiful, heroic thing that people don't think about often enough. What have you ever given up that meant that much to you??

You don't have to look or act a certain way to go to church and be a christian now days. I Feel bad looking back how i was ashamed to talk about or go to church when I was younger.But Ive matured so much that I realize that having a relationship with God is cool. Its a beautiful thing growing closer to God and building better relationship with him.Its the most important relationship you will ever have- more important then with your parents, or spouse..or friends or anything.. Too many people invest time into other things that don't matter as much as a relationship with God and then wonder why things don't work out in there life. when you start getting closer to God you really do see the difference in life. its not a coincidence that when you go to church you feel better about yourself. Things have gotten alot better for me since i started on working on my relationship with God and as long as I continue to work on growing closer to him then hes gonna continue to bless my life and bring favor in my life and the sky can be the limit. I'm excited about whats in store for my future


Another late night got me up thinkin about my future- when am I gonna find my queen it seems the mistakes Ive made with women only pushin me into bein a deeper cat livin solo,no bro that's not what I want- I'm curious what real love feel like genuine no pettiness no drama- real love approved by God where he's leadin the relationship- this single pace wondering how long I'm gone go for/ content like this but curious how the other side of the fence is- how it feel to lay next to and fall asleep to the one you love and care for how it feel to make sweet love or hardcore when you want it beat- how it feel to know someone have your back supporting you beginning to end, I'm driven within myself to find out I'm correcting my flaws that's affected past situations- placing my faith In the Lord to hand me my queen- building a beautiful life together stayin down and loyal given 110 percent/ I've met numerous broads been thru them its hard to stimulate my mental- its why this cat roll solo what will it take I'm constantly asked, the wrath of only knowing bein by myself worryin about nothin but my feelings- how do I express them verbally- hurtin me minimal experience its killing me during crunch time this hurdle I cant seem to pass/ I've grasped what I need to do so the mistakes wont present again I live to learn- the beauty of life tomorrows a new day to change, simply explained- I'm slowly opening my heart- friendship growing into more my companion my shorty the one I confide into, climbing thru demons a past that haunted me tryin to get within range in search of my boo I'm gone be her mane/

I see the mistakes I made in the past feeling bad about it but knowing its all apart of the growth process -God bless I'm taken heed seeing the weak loud and clearly, I fear the best have past me but my faith telling me otherwise- that my queen still waiting ready for me to find her- snatch her up take hold of her heart connecting on a level never reached before- the perfect man for her I will be/ transition period I'm currently in- my minds bugging wonderin thoughts askin a thousand questions confessing I wanna land her- find her- have her in my arms close at night, our souls confide and shine together this beautiful love orchestrated by God thru faith and believing it could happen -the one I'm supposed to wife/ where is she at I wish I knew - until I find her I'm keep doin me bettering myself as a man- growing closer to God praying for him to send me my ole lady the one I'm gonna give my heart and all too, a hard dude to break but I'm working on that- a man in total construction- a masterpiece is coming- I know God getting her ready for me- my boo, my girl, my babe my better half thats what I'm gonna call you- when the time comes my heart is all you/


I see the American Flag placing my hand over my chest where my heart beat resides, there's peace inside but an empty pain thinking to those who died for freedom even thru proudness these clouds are dark a feeling you just cant explain- closing my eyes I breath and write/ emotions are high I can never look at a plane normal again thinking to 9/11 the passengers lost on all 4 planes- wondering there thoughts, feelings I'm ill thinking about the crash the impact fire blazing I'm praying God give me the strength I'm seeing these images repetitively, its not easy to free the day I constantly close- I rose to salute the dead- those who gave there life rescuing others- the 343 NYFD never made it back home that day family all alone a zone you cant comprehend unless your in it- America's sending prayers and condolences but 9 years later its like they forgot or is it your afraid to revisit that moment - to me it seems like yesterday doesn't it I believe it to free/ myself when I write- too much in my brain I slain it but saying it with the pen- I will cry the stories touch my soul I stroll on as time passes on another calender completes looking at the others curious do they remember that day in September I'm wishing to ask them, the Man upstairs gives me strength to keep going keep growing but that day will always be close to my chest holding there death in my memory- within me I'm inspired by the brighter stories of heroism and bravery- those who saved others and chose courage over fear I swear this will be with me until the day My times done- I rhyme one with them in mind encouraging me to better myself make a name for my future inspired by there actions/ United 93 passengers, NYPD, NYFD, even everyday civilians who risked there life to help others damn its so touching to read, I'm humbled to speak on these stories never wanting there memory to flame out so I'll forever keep it alive its so touching to me/ I'm strong but certain times I break down- knowing its healthy to cry cant bottle it up forever so I let it loose another step to move closer to Gods calling for me these stories of heroism and bravery its just a start, with tears in my eyes proudness in my soul I salute the flag remembering September 11th my other hands over my heart the memory in my mind shall never  depart/


A Clouded mind results in sleepless nights sleepless nights results in late mornings waken up aggrivated yo I'm brain stormin, I pay for it- success- the light the path that will lead to my calling- finanically stable where I'm no longer livin check to check- thru frustrating phases I face forward knowin my faiths forming/ the devil feedin off unsure moments -I cant fall victim to the enemy endlessly I'm wonderin my purpose in life  feelin like times just passin by  I'm growin older but still I  gotta young soul, showing  growth the last 2 years  I rearranged and changed my outlook on life- I know I'm blessed so thankful for everything Gods given but living like he wants me to be submitting more- what am I missing this empty feeling shinning brighter- enough wit the curiousity just come forward/I run for it not knowin what my destiny is -just knowin Gods got a plan- each day I wake up its a closer one to seein fullfillment come about, the sun is out shinning when  my mind showing darkness it's  4am my brain's tired so let me park it- thankin God for the highs the lows everything thats built me into who Iam- continuing to grow yo my purpose I'll summon now/


Some days I wonder what heavens like- is it beautiful? crowded? will GOD greet me when I enter or am I just another person passing thru to eternity, worry free no bills no financial issues no drama no stress damn it sounds enticing, a place where nothin matters but Gods loving hand- as a man I'm forgiven and rid of the sins I committed  during my time on earth-currently/ feelin disappointed in myself like I let God down-  heavens a place compared to none The Lords waitin for me to come- yet on earth I was rude, disrespectful broke every commandment- how could he manage to want  me up there  with him, uplifting the feeling of no jealousy greed or envy- a place I can kick back and enjoy being without worrying about others intentions- visions are blurry so I'm wondering what heaven really looks like is it a peaceful living/ driven by the thought of forever next to the ones I love- meeting heroes that inspired me called home before I got there- curious who would miss me on earth and would they know I'm watchin them from above, a trust not seen but spoken and felt- heaven would be my home  a pure feeling of joy- endlessly wondering is it a dream or am I really at my eternal address somethin I hope to address at last- LOOK I'm still alive and healthy here on earth doin my thing my life's not complete yet so my homecoming still on the horizon- these are my thoughts today  so  I share them with love/


Just another day I get to work around 8am settling in getting my coffee sayin whats up to my co- workers sitting at my desk checkin emails shifting thru some paper work when I hear a loud sound, what the  fuck was that- I see smoke everywhere the building shaken glass breaking I'm not sure what happened but panic's elevating I start looking around for my co workers but they cant be found/ I'm buggin I'm seein co workers down dead there bodies burned arms, legs, body parts everywhere Jesus whats goin on this cant be real, I'm ill but a survivors mentality overcomes me I gotta get the hell outta here so I proceed to go down but I cant get to the door I'm trapped I'm panicking- can only turn to God Lord I need help right now I know you hear my prayers/ I search for another route to go the elevator broken hope is fading but I keep tryin keep focused I see a rear door with stairs its clear I run over seein more co workers who didn't make it I'm cryin there dying my goals surviving I head down it's long ways to go 73 stories but I'm determined to exit, I'm bleeding I'm in shock  weeping but I'm seein others going down tryin to leave- we're all lost as to what happened when we hear another enormous crashing sound our buildings shaken- DAMN whats happened now- this is getting worse by the minute I'm thinking about my life- I'm not ready to see the heavens/
We making progress  getting out the building but its tiring not moving fast enough still we got a ways to go- I'm thinkin about my family my life- have I lived right- done right by others? I hope I've made my parents proud, I'm hearing screams everyone in the  building crying we just wanna get out- MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! we keep heading down- I'm hurting my body's aching but I cant stop now/ I hear a horrible  rumbling- OH SHIT  whats happening  our building shaking a feeling I never felt before- HURRY HURRY we gotta get the fuck out of here ASAP, I pray that Gods watching over me I'm scared shaking  praying I make it out alive- my minds goin nuts clueless whats goin on around me its hellish in here- a horrible horrible sight I've got to escape that/ finally I reach the lobby but it looks like a war zone where do I go oh my God Lord show me the route to get out- I'm crying losing it  I'm tryin hold it together just wanting to leave, I'm looking for a way out finally climbing the stairs seeing an exit getting outside- oh my God whats happened I'm at a loss for words with what I'm seein/ just then I hear a loud rumbling I'm running my ass off  not lookin back to seein whats going on- my life's at steak I've got to get outta  here, I swear If I survive this I promise to be a better man this fear is rising still trying survive it- the fuckin buildings collapsing I'm gasping for air in total shock- rocks, debris everything flying out everywhere I cant even hide the tears/ I'm alive  but seen so many deaths- co workers, people I've never met its body parts everywhere- shit  its a scene you cant even imagine in a movie, to me this isn't real I'm not here this is all a dream just let these images leave- peace I need- I'm lost.. WHAT HAPPENED?  its New York- Manhattan September 11Th 2001 truly/ the worst day of my life- wondering why I survived I'm alive while so many others aren't- the sights  and images the sounds of that day will never leave my mind, I cry often asking why but thankful for life a 2nd chance to make a difference- Lord thank you for your watch care helping me to get out its so many thoughts surving that day that breeds inspiration for this poem I'm writing/



 I'ma put  it like this- I pray for you every night think about you everyday- cant wait til I see ya- there's so much I wanna know and ask you, past due I been waiting a while but I feel  your worth it word is you captured my heart that first kiss was perfect-  its so many woman I ran through/ gettin to you- the experience with them,bein single so long showed me the likes and dislikes molding the woman I want in my mind I sculpt her, art work heart cures my blues from mistakes made in the past- God knows what I want -even more  so directly what I need so with patience I proceed workin on me the author/ of this book I'm writing- my life- single but growing up gettin older I'm fixin the negatives weighing me down I found my heart tryin to open hopin- No I mean prayin you'll help me, help see my genuineness I'm real no time for games - workin on communication expressing verbally what I'm feelin still in construction mode- I throw time also into allowing my heart to love and be loved- see this is not something I'm used to I dealt the/ deck of cards out now I'm tryin to fix my hand-  the man I know I wanna become- one with good morals, Godly, loyal, faithful, honest, loving- give you all I've never given anyone before- Its all true, I pause through each new day I'm given wondering when will the moment come- I'm anxious to cross paths and build on the relationship God has planned for us- he leads we follow our happiness will pursue- two that cant be broken I'm so excited for this -just wonder when that day comes that I'ma finally find you/ so my search can conclude withdrew  with you I know destiny's ahead great times and memories to make -my arms is open preparing for a love so true/


Lately the devil been temptin me- sour news tryin to destort my views on God but my faith is major- presenting dissappointments but I pray when I'm down, tomorrows a new day new oppurtunites I do sense frustrations but the Lord tell me to chill he'll handle it  so in him my faith is pronounced/ multiple situations got my mind goin heywire- personal issues within me- money, stability, my future- just naming a few I choose to put it all on God believing he will provide, I strive to live more how he wants me to live cutting out the things thats not pleasing to him at times I fall back into bad habits but work hard to cut them off knowing lifes a ride/ good and bad highs and lows it'll all even out if you believe - Lord help me to see the man you made me to be not the man Iam- I feel Im not doing enough it is a guilty conscience or expecting too much from myself, Im not perfect I committ sins on the daily but Im prayin Lord change me- I wanna be a beautiful person have a beautiful soul as I stroll  through life influencing others in a positive way no matter what cards is dealt/ I know God expects alot from me I wanna deliever for him scorchin the evils tryin to destroy me but my hearts growin closer with Christ, knowin in time my purpose will be shown my life will  have direction walkin the right steps now because tomorrows not promised heaven can call me at anytime I feel big things comin my way Lord with you Im ready to rise/


I've taken time away to gather my thoughts thinkin how am I living driven to get out of this debt tryin to find my purpose in life given me nights where I'm sleepless- turnin to God what am I doin wrong, losin hard but teachin lessons- showin you what not to do- made many mistakes in my lifetime tryin to right them  times flyin by moving along/ Im 27 years young- have I been successful thus far- truth is Im dissappointed - funds is low money the name of the game but my soul tells me its ugly, it must be the right intuition- I believe the closer I come with God the more peace prevails blessings arise more temptation occur the devil wants me/ but Im a soldier for God tryin to live right- everyday Im maken mistakes sinnin wishin I could be more like Jesus- please just help me get away  from  negatives Im prayin to reach a place where my minds at peace, I pick up this pad to release- thoughts you call it poetry this just me expressin my soul living unGodly yo Im fightin to free/my mind though excited to see a new day- I know Im one day closer to findin my calling my destiny Lord show me the light, at times I get alone hes holdin me tight I cry out of frustration but know it''ll be right/ driven by sight-God has major plans for me engaging me through battles  strengthening faith and given me knowledge experience to teach me, guide me- Im becomin a man- findin my way through life goin through struggles growin faith- still I stumble off track at times I fall back to see where Im goin- the roads not where I wanna be - yo success in life dont come easy/ I tell myself quit doin things your way and let God come closer to service you urgent news when you barely maken it and hes waitin to bless you abundently- MAN I've gotta get right within, I win some lose some but  living to see another day- I pray one day my life will lead  others closer to Christ- touching  those I come in contact with -help me Lord  with seein the bigger picture you have- inspite of my sin/ I know your favor and blessings  is comin Im ready awaitin them, days comin and going tryin growing closer in him help me stay focused and useful- hard times do come but through it all Im praising him/ 


Everyone always asks me " why do you love the Braves so much? .. where do I begin? My dad took me to my first game when I was 7 years old in 1990. And I know no one will believe me but back then I didnt really like the Braves too much. But the more I started going to the games and watching them on tv  they grew on me. This was about the time that the Braves were getting on a roll and winning.. I grew up as a kid going to Atlanta Fulton Country Stadium with my dad watchin the Braves play. I remember the night they won the world series in 1995. SWEET TIMES!  My dad and I would go down to Florda and meet players and get autographs and he would take me to Braves luncheons and I would get to meet the players- over the years  I have met just about every Braves player you can think of with a few exceptions..

When you go to as many games as I do you develop a bond with the team. A love for the team. Im 27 now I started going when I was 7.  Thats 20 Years of my life. I have spent birthdays at Braves games. Ive had special moments with my dad there, special moments celebrating memorable moments in Braves history. Every game I go to is a memory. you multiple 10-20 games a year times 20 years and you have many many memories  I have shared with the braves.I have kept every single ticket stub from every game since 1994. I remember my teenage years goin to games with my dad- over the years he doesnt go as much  I do- I mostly go by myself now but each year my love for the Braves grows deeper. I want to win so bad. I love goin to the game. bein at the stadium, meeting the players, watching my team win and having a good time. its never fun when we lose. In 2004 I was at a game and then it just hit me " I love this/ Iam in love with this team." I  told myself from here on out I will be the best possible braves fan I can be and 7 yeas later im still goin strong. I was a fan before then but from that moment it just went to another level.
Iam a die hard Braves fan. I have so much love for them. Iam in love with them. they do let me down and dissappointment but Im always there for them and the happiness they bring my life  hasnt been matched with anything else I have come across. some people are passionate about music, art, history, movies, etc one of my 2 major passions is the Atlanta Braves.. I always feel like a little kid anytime Im around the players and get a chance to meet or take a picture with the,. I just wanna tell them how much I love them and how bad I want to win. In my heart of hearts I truly believe I want to win more then the players do. I look forward to every game I go to and I sit baxk and realize how lucky I am to have met the players I met, go to the games Ive gone to, witness the specials moments Ive witnessed and developed this special connection, this love I have for them I will always love them- thu the tough losses and dissappointments Iam always there every year. Atlanta is a weak sports town but Iam an elite fan- Iam forever thankful for the happiness the Braves give my life and for the memories of being a kid goin to the ballpak with my dad and 20 years later making memories by myself at the stadium- its priceless in my heart and for that reason I love the Atlanta Braves!!


I get to work just before 7 already anxious wonderin what jokes my brothers have to tell today- we clown over breakfast enjoyin eachother as a family we are, close knit  we're chillin a little before nine we get a call alertin  us to get to the trade center a planes just hit the building off we go I call my fam tell them whats happened they tell me to be safe and call them soon/ Im wondering what the hells goin on as we drive into manhattan Im seein the chaos around cant belive what Im witnessing damn  Im taken in awe/bodies on the ground missin parts debris everywhere streets is filled with disbelief theres a sense in my stomach  this shit going to be the roughest day Ive ever worked,concerned look on my buddies faces-not sure what to do- we get the orders to head upstairs searchin for those in need of help but in my mind  negative thoughts continue to churn/ maken our way up the stairs its hot  not knowin what to expect- people maken there way down bloody, cryin, a look of shock-I offer encouraging words and keep pushin on tryin to stay focused on the job Im headin into, all the way through Im prayin Lord keep me safe help me save lives and be of assistance- Im sweatin Im hot Im wonderin how far we got to go all the while thinkin to myself is this shit for real so much thoughts to consume/

A loud explosion outside catches everyones attention man what the  FUCK is goin on I hear screaming the buildings shaking no one knows what happened I try and  stay under control but inside Im worried, we climbin  80 some stories carryin 60 pounds on my back taken breaks to catch our breath the more time passes by the more concern grows not knowin whats goin on around us- Im fightin battles mentally within- physically Im tired ready  to get to the location we need to cant help but notice the buildin swayin back and forth Im racin through 1,000 thoughts in my mind thinkin damn we got to keep goin- the fear inside is growin tryin to bury it/ BAM!! a loud explosion happens rockin our buildin WHOA WHAT WAS THAT?? whatever it was couldnt have been good- mayday abort the mission- we  no longer tryin to save others we tryin save ourselfs-goin back down the way we came- shit Im scared now thinkin about gettin out Lord help me leave this place in one piece, no peace of mind Im buggin focused on step after step gettin out alive back to my family there faces is all Im seein/ preachin to my buddies yo we got to get out of here keep movin lets pick up the pace we gotta exit this bitch, just then a loud rumblin happens I feel the floors collapsing above OH SHIT Im not gonna make it out- prayers to my family I see them in my vision/

 The tower collapses taken me out with it- Lord why this have to happen why couldnt I find a way out to exit- as the floors crashin down on me my thoughts run rapid hopin my fam wont miss me too much I'll be in a better place restin, confessin my love for them as I see my life end but I know its all Gods plan so I trust in him  given my blessings/ lookin down from heaven seein my family wishin I could whipe there tears away, I pray Lord heal there hearts moving on wont be easy but let them know I loved them and they were on my mind the final seconds of my life- I'll always watch over them as I lay/ down my life September 11th 2001 was Gods time callin me home/ my fam may never understand it but the Lords will was done, I smile  in heaven proud of myself but feel a hurt in my heart lookin down below seein funerals my fam and friends cryin mournin me and 342 others but we hear you loud and proud when you say " all gave some some gave all" Im watchin this from heaven my buddy puts his arm around me and whispers " in the face of adversity to help others into the tower we run/ UP THE STAIRS.. INTO THE FIRE



I look at my life and see the blessings Gods given me- my health 27 years Ive lived- 2 loving parents given all they could give, to my 2 sisters and me my Dad work 2 jobs to provide my mom spent time caring for our needs so much love between us a beautiful thing is what it is/ I think about the things I want  the posessions I dont own but then blessings come up quick seein all I do have- positive role models- parents who put there trust In God so loving, caring, stable they provided so often, lofting appreciation for them I see all The Lords given my life- struggles and temptation saw  me fall to evil but Gods love and my parents patience pulled me out  the bottom/ on my conscience tryin live a better way make my parents proud- good morals and values another blessing they've passed down, black clouds minimal opening my eyes feeling Gods love and blessings within me I smile-  realizin what others dont have and how there hurtin I'm statin the facts now/Im given so much- at times I feel Im not doin enough to give back blessings to someone  I wanna make others feel good, the more seeds of goodness you plant the more it comes back around  giving blessings  abundantly I should/ shower my thanks an  appreication for God my family for all you've done or given to me, I take time out to dedicate this poem to yall letting you know its appreciated from my heart its written indeed/


How do you measure progression? I feel Im growin as a person maturing but feel unstable paid dues not nearly enough in some eyes pride put to the side Im not seein sucession rise, inspite of a healthier mind Im still not the person I wanna be- I think to myself if I died today how would I be remembered your thoughts/ opinions Ill take in stride/ Ive come  a ways from the young dude I used to be truthfully I smile proud of who Iam now- but self gradification not payin the bills Im livin week to week expectin Gods favor and tryin to live right under enormous temptation, phases come and go thoughts on what to do- handle the job front or clear my mental internal peace I seek I speak with a head confused my views cloudin a sunny day Im waitin/ replayin convos Ive had in my past wonderin are the decisions Im maken right or am I  settin up for failure-pressure pointin in overdrive Lord guide me- help me make weaknesses strengths and strengths to become even stronger, I pray it everyday so many requests I try listenin to his words too swords drew Im fightin evil these battles come strong I CANT  lose I  long to/ prevail and tell my story generations to come- you read my poems  thats cool but actions speak louder Im proud of my faith its times like these I carry it most high I'll rise cant let times like these bury me, worry free peace of mind rewind time and again chasin success and self worth dodgin sin in between I keep my faith up high trust In you Lord I know you will always listen on them days that discourage me/