Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Unite - Trayvon Martin

I  see maddness in this world as I pray for the country a kid cant walk down the  street without bein harassed Trayvon Martin may you rest in peace, no cease to  the corrupt system in place in America God forgive me while I throw a middle  finger to the jaded police/ karma will come one day or another justice will  prevail whether in this life or the next I place my faith in that, the whole  situation tainted prayin for his family  parents just lost a son 17 years into  his life we got to stand up for whats  right its not just about  hispanic or  white and black/ 2012  we teachin society its ok to kill blatantly  walkin away  free with murder it hurts to read the facts - it coulda been any of us- our  sons, nephews or friend puttin into perspective does it hit home hard, racial  scars still hauntin this  nation -tension around God loves us all the same why  cant we be equal I seek to paint this picture of peace and justice all braught  on by this tragedy so pardon/ the ignorance of the indivuals in question I put  anger aside thinkin about the bigger picture gettin the truth justice for  Trayvon Martin seein an end to out those who arent held accountable stoppin the  proceedings its crazy the intensity this crime started, sparkin debates coast to  coast along the way uniting millions because its right I see people from all  races holdin hands in his memory marchin in his name standing up for equality  its hittin the heart/ and souls of many its always sad when innocent life is  taken- this incident got the attention of entire nation, debatin good vs bad  right vs wrong I hope Trayvons death will make us stronger fixing a system  flawed to the fullest- we got to take action while bein patient awaitin/  progression within the case but on a larger scale unity across our country-  somethin terrible happened I pray good will rise in time, I had to say whats on  my mind in my heart this world is lost seekin direction prayin for the  family and those fightin evil within Lord dont let it happen again another  senselesee crime- no hidin how I feel the reason I wrote this rhyme/I see an  ugly world but talks with the Lord tell me be strong let hate escape from your  heart we all should practice kindness, rallying around this during a time of  frustration let hope prevail good defeat evil even if it takes a while -askin  where to start if you look within yourself thats where you'll find it/

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