Wednesday, January 2, 2013


As I step back and reflect on my thoughts I see this year braught change- sayin goodbye to friends I was once close to, no blues facing trials cuttin losses through it all Im showing growth like Im suppost to/ rose through times where I felt like I wasnt progressing life wasnt moving- a loser when I looked within askin how can I  get that look of confidence again, within I was defeated tellin the Lord I was retreating not believing in myself had to give it up to him to prevail get me out the situation I was in/ prayin  though it seemed like he overlooked me- my faith never faltered though some days I became impatient blatant work of evil pushin me down a route, a path I didnt need to see I need to be workin on growth within  yeah growth in him- spendin more time speakin with him cuttin out the negatives weighin me down I was out/ where else to turn but the man whose never let me down I write this now feeling a change - big thingscomin favor blowing my way, cold  days I prayed when those around me told me God cant do it- I knew I had to help myself- building mentally, spiritually,spreadin the wealth- leading by action and example words only taken you so far I laid/ out goals I wanted to accomplish short term I set the tone 2012 a year I been more alone then ever but I  trust hes workin on me preparing me for the queen I'll marry, here we- go one step at a time- becoming stable more independent, financially set spiritually sound a man of God with a direction in life thats the agenda I carry/

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